Cindy Maddera
I am thankful for every time you made me laugh.
I am grateful for the rare times I made you laugh.
I am thankful that I only need one hand to count the number of times we ever really fought.
I am thankful for the ways you challenged me to be better and to work smarter.
I am thankful for the balance, both mentally and emotionally, of our relationship.
I am grateful for all the ways you supported my dreams and ideas.
I am grateful to the value you gave to the words that I spoke.
I am thankful for the moments when we struggled.
I am thankful for the moments when we succeeded together.
I am thankful for all the ‘firsts’ I had with you.
I am grateful for being a witness to your brilliance and wit.
I am grateful for all the photos I have where you are looking at me instead of the camera.
I am thankful for the photos I have of you looking directly at the camera.
I am thankful that I was the one you wanted to spend the rest of your life with.
I am grateful you showed me how a relationship should be.
I am grateful for every moment.
I am thankful that time has not depreciated or diluted my feelings for you and all of the above.