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Filtering by Category: Thankful Friday


Cindy Maddera


I'm just going to say it. Today I am thankful for the weekend. The long holiday weekend. Also, today is First Friday and Food Truck Friday. We only get one splurge this month and it's going to be on food truck. I'm so darn excited. There's a food truck called Magical Meatball Tour. I don't know what that's all about, but I'm thankful that they have some vegetarian/vegan stuff on their menu so that I can check it out. Also, my mom was in town doing a drive yesterday. She had just enough time to stop by and have a cup of coffee before she headed back to Oklahoma. We had a nice visit and I heard all about what's going on at home. I am thankful for these snip-its of time. It's always a nice surprise and it's nice to see my parents still active and doing things.

And as always, I'm thankful for you guys. I am thankful for all the love and beautiful comments you leave. It's nice to hear. But those entries I write about beauty and loving yourself, I do those to remind you that you are beautiful and wonderful. I am thankful that it works both ways.

Happy weekend and Thankful Friday!


Cindy Maddera


I stared at the blinking cursor on my screen for a long time. It's not that I have nothing to be thankful for this week. It's just that I am thankful for things that I can't put into words. I am lucky. I have good people in my life. I have friends and family that are good at being supportive and oh so kind. I am thankful every day for this. One thing I can put into words is how thankful I am for the weather. When I talked to my dad the other day, the high here was 90. That was the warmest for the week. Meanwhile, dad has been able to cook peanuts by just leaving his roaster out in the sun. Also, we've had at least three days of rain. Chris and I planted veggies for a Fall harvest on Sunday and I think that I already see some things sprouting. 

This weekend will be a home body weekend. I am thankful for this too. I resolve to record two yoga classes to send to some of my former students, maybe get some things posted on EBay and  get all those cards organized from BlogHer. I am also considering starting a little pen-pal project this weekend. So, I am thankful for the time and the ideas.

Hope all have a perfect day and Thankful Friday.


Cindy Maddera


I'm still learning things from our 10 day juice cleanse. I've always known when I've been full, but if there was still food on my plate, I'd eat it. Now, I'm aware when I'm full and I stop eating. There may still be food on my plate or in my sandwich bag, but I'm OK with this. Another thing I've noticed is how I really appreciate the simplest of foods. Sunday, when we started talking about what we were going to eat on Thursday, I was planning simple lunches. The thing that stuck the deepest in my brain was peanut butter. I just wanted a simple peanut butter and banana sandwich.  I'm really proud of Chris for sticking with the cleanse. And when we started talking about food he said that he wanted to be in charge of meal planning for a while. This was a relief. I feel like my plans for evening dinner have grown stale and boring and the usual. Some times, I'd plan something, but by the time I'd get home I'd be so tired that I wouldn't feel like cooking. Then, I'd feel guilty for asking Chris to make dinner (stupid). Having him take it over for a while makes me happy. So, today, I am thankful for food. I am thankful for the simplest pleasure of crunching into a  celery stick and I am thankful for Chris.

We have few plans for the weekend. Saturday we will see an old HS friend and his wife for lunch (I'm actually really excited about this). We will plant fall veggies and we will rest. All things that make me thankful. Happy weekend and Thankful Friday.


Cindy Maddera


I can't believe it's already Friday! That means Chris and I are five days into our 10 day juice cleanse. And you know what? I feel just fine. I'm not starving, like I thought I would be, and I don't feel like I need to eat a hamburger. I have to admit to cheating on one meal. Wednesday, my lab went to lunch and then to a tour of the Harely Davidson Factory. I did my best to cheat reasonably, meaning I had a very simple Southwest salad and a huge glass of water. I was a little excited with the idea of eating un-juiced food. OK. I admit it. I was really excited. But as I chewed on that first bite, I was like "meh". It wasn't all that thrilling. I've done cleansing diets before and with all of them I've had what I like to call the third day woozies. I always have a crash day. That hasn't happened on the juice cleanse and it's one of the things I'm thankful for today. Yes, I still have hunger pangs, but they happen when they are supposed to and I never feel so hungry that I feel like I'm going to eat my own arm. So I'm thankful Chris talked me into the whole juicing thing. Plus I love putting things in the juicer. Who knew you could juice a sweet potato!?

I am thankful for the promise of naps this weekend and the time to organize a few things. I am thankful for the cooler weather and the garden possibilities. I am thankful for the 5lbs I've lost this week. I am thankful for our juicer.


Happy weekend and Thankful Friday!


Cindy Maddera


Do you guys know about The Happiness Project? Sure you do. Right now, I'm sitting waiting for a session to start that is being moderated by the author, Gretchen Rubin. I am thankful for the opportunity to sit in on a session with a panel of women like Gretchen and Brene Brown speaking about blogging your way to self acceptance. Actually, I'm thankful for this experience in general. It is really something to be in the presence of all these smart, amazing women. And the support and love. It's good for the soul. Right now Brene Brown is speaking and I am thankful to hear these words on being our authentic selves and I have to go because I have to be present in this moment.

Happy Thankful Friday!


Cindy Maddera


We've managed to make a friend! Except she's moving to California. In fact, she's on her way right now. We will miss her, but we will visit. I am thankful that we have friends in other states that don't mind if we sleep on their couches. This friend is another one of those we can add to that list. Plus she introduced us to a group of fabulous gay men. Some of whom are really involved in the KC AIDS Walk. I see me steppin' up my charity game. Speaking of road trips. My dad called me yesterday morning to tell me he was in town and currently lost some where near where I worked. I somehow managed to get him to my building after some really tense moments and we had a late breakfast. I am thankful for that short bit of time I had with my dad. It felt good to show him around and hear him marvel at my new fancy work digs. He also brought me the new yellow shirt I had purchased and then left behind from my last visit. Yellow shirt!

I am thankful for the cold front that is supposed to be heading this way. I am thankful for the opportunity to finally get out and clean up the back yard. I am thankful for Chris for many reasons and I am thankful for you. Happy Weekend and Thankful Friday!


Cindy Maddera


Well, it has finally gotten hot here. People have been telling us for weeks that it was going to happen. I just don't think they thought it would be this hot. I have a feeling these temps are above the norm. Something about a heat dome. So today I am thankful for cold watermelon, ice cubes, snow cones and fans. I am thankful for lazy days filled with good food, good drinks and laughter. I like the way things just kind of slow down during the dog days of summer. It makes us all stop and take some time to just be. People move around as if their made of molasses. Even the weeds slow down their creeping a bit in the garden. I am thankful for this, but I am also thankful for the promise of rain next week bringing in some cooler temps. It's a win win.

Happy Thankful Friday!


Cindy Maddera


Today is the day guys. The day Chris and I have been waiting for our whole lives. That may be an exaggeration. The day we've been waiting for for a really long time? Any hoo. Trader Joe's opens today! Today! Trader Joe's opens today! Can you tell I'm a bit excited? Our plans for dinner tonight includes a bunch of snacky stuff from TJ's. Also, I'm gonna drink a whole bottle of Two Buck Chuck all by myself. Because I can. I am thankful we now live in a town that has our favorite grocery store.  Yesterday, I got word that a cupcake truck would be stopping by work. It's like an ice cream truck, but for cupcakes. And this totally happened! She was down to one flavor by the time she reached us, but I didn't care. Cherry Mash sounded pretty darn good to me. I bought one for me and one for Chris and I even held off eating mine until we could eat them together. Willpower. Some times, I's gots it. I am thankful I live in a town where a cupcake truck stops by my work.

Well, it seems I'm thankful we made the decision to move to this cool new place. I, of course, am very thankful for friends who love us so much and let us crash at their places. I am thankful for the rain and the cooler temperatures. I am thankful for my family. And I am thankful for Chris, who I can share cupcakes with and maybe a sip of my Two Buck Chuck.


Cindy Maddera


Sometimes I feel like just writing "I am thankful" and leave it at that. This was a short week and pretty uneventful, and that is nice and something to be very thankful for. I am also thankful for the weather we've been having. I keep hearing people in Oklahoma talk about temps in the 100s and the scarcity of rain. Yesterday, Chris and I heard the local weather guy say that we'd get rain that day, but then it would be five days before we see rain again. FIVE DAYS! Golly. I don't know if we'll make it.  Oh, it just dawned on me something else that I'm thankful for! Thursday nights are our laundry nights, but it's also our scheming time. Chris and I sit at the diner-like table and plan things. We plan what we're going to do that weekend. We plan what we might do to a house. We plan trips and this week we started planning out my BlogHer trip. But then I got so excited we had to stop. I am thankful for these moments. I am thankful for the time to just sit and plan.

I am thankful for oh so many things. I am thankful. Happy Thankful Friday everyone!


Cindy Maddera


I want a weekend of ease. The last weekend was full of no power and garage cleaning and laundry and blah. For this weekend, I want one day of cleaning up (really only half a day) around the house and some light gardening. Then I want two days of fun. I want good food. I want a glass or two of wine. I want fireworks (wink wink). I want a snow cone from this place. But most of all, I want peace and quiet and to just sit switching a light switch on and off. I am thankful that this is a weekend where all of the above is a possibility. I am thankful that we are in recovery mode, but even without electricity, I am thankful for the roof over our heads. Too many  people can't even say that. So we went a few days without power. We still had plumbing, running water, hot water at that, and an extension cord. We also had a camp stove and realized very quickly that there's plenty of tasty dishes that can be concocted on a one burner camp stove.

I am thankful for all of the usual, for the many wonderful blessing in my life. Have a safe and wonderful holiday weekend and a happy Thankful Friday.


Cindy Maddera


That picture up there is probably the best picture I've ever taken of my dad. It's hard to catch him at being truly happy. But in that picture he's doing what he loves, selling peanuts. Dad, also known as The Peanut Man, has been selling roasted peanuts ever since he took early retirement at age 55. He's 73 now and still as busy as ever. He's picked up other part time gigs during the week, but his true love is hanging out at the flea market selling his peanuts and chatting with every single person that walks by his stand. Dad has always been a hard worker and he puts a lot into the things he sets his mind to do. During the band years, he ran the popcorn maker in the band Booster's concession stand at football games. He'd come home early Friday afternoon and start popping popcorn so he'd have plenty on hand for that night's game. He practically lived in the little camper at the Christmas Tree lot every December (also a Band Booster thing) and he was at every concert, play, banquet or what ever. Dad may not understand a thing that I say, but he will nod and pretend and has always been my biggest fan.

This weekend we will travel south to visit with family for Father's Day weekend. Dad will spend the whole weekend at the flea market, so I know that in order to spend any time with him, I too will be putting in some time there. The flea market at this time of the year is not my favorite place to be. It's hot and dirty and crowded. But I think, considering all the things that Dad does for me, I can tolerate a few hours of hot and dirt. I am thankful to have him my life. He's hilarious and always makes me laugh. I am thankful that he's still able to do the things he likes to do. I am thankful for the few moments we have together.

Happy Thankful Friday.


Cindy Maddera


Yesterday, I took my last sip of tea, finishing up my breakfast and I felt a bit queasy. Suddenly my face, neck, ears, and arms went up in itchy flames. Chris looked at me with alarm and was all " what the fuck?!?". I just replied " I don't know!". Twenty minutes later, I was almost back to normal, but my skin itched for the rest of the day. A little bit of research led to the conclusion that I had had a bad reaction to my vitamins. I had started on a new multi-vitamin pack that contains twenty million (exaggeration) pills in it all taken at one time. The fourth day of the pack was apparently my tolerance limit. So, I'm thankful we figured that out real fast. I am also thankful for all of you who came over here and left comments yesterday. Comments just make a blogger feel good. A lot of times I feel like I'm blogging to myself. Not a big deal really because often times I feel like I'm talking to myself. But occasionally the validation is nice. I am thankful for this.

I am thankful for many things this week like the air conditioner and food from our garden. I am thankful for the many blessings in my life. I even used that last sentence as my meditation mantra this week. I am also thankful for the many blessings to come. Have a wonderful Thankful Friday.

P.S. I will be contacted some of you for addresses so I can send you your bracelets!


Cindy Maddera


Yesterday as I was scrolling through Facebook status reports, I noticed one of my Facebook friends had posted one of those "re-post this as your status" thing that had to do with needing someone to talk to. I hardly ever even comment on these things, let alone actually re-post as my status. But for some reason, I felt compelled to leave a comment. I wanted this person to know that just because I wouldn't re-post doesn't mean I wouldn't be there if he really needed an ear to lean on. I told him that anyone can copy and paste, but listening is a practice. This brought me to something I heard Judith Lasater say at one of her workshops. She challenged us to stop what we were doing, turn and look at the person when they are talking to you. To give that person all of your attention. For the most part, I'm really good about doing this. I tend to be more mindful of the times when I am not and then I feel guilty for not listening completely. But when this happens, I have learned to stop and say "I'm sorry. I was not truly listening. Please repeat it. I promise, I'm listening now." and then I give that person my full attention. See? Listening is a practice.

I am thankful for these lessens. I am thankful that I know that there is always someone I can turn to when I need to talk about something. I am thankful for the reminders that I have these people in my life. Also, I am thankful for all of you who chimed in on the glassware. I have decided to put them up on EBay and sell them.

Happy Thankful Friday and Blessed Weekend!

Also, it's National Doughnut Day! Nom nom nom.


Cindy Maddera


After reading this entry, it got me thinking. It got me thinking about all the stuff in the basement. We've got a lot of stuff. A LOT of stuff. And half of it I didn't even unpack because the plan is to buy next year and move again. But here's the deal. If I am already living without those things, do I really need them? Of course there are things like my elephants that I want to keep, but I'm sure there's a bunch of crap down there that can go.  Our friend Gert's parents lost their home in the tornadoes that rampaged Oklahoma this week. I am so thankful that all are well, all animals safe and accounted for, but it's another reason for this post in particular. It really makes you pause and look around you and decide what is essential. What is important? At the end of the day, it's the people that I am so thankful to have in my life that is more important than the crap around me. If we were to move now, all that stuff in the basement would just go to the new basement. That's space that we could use for guests, for yoga, for meditation, for anything other than storage.

So, this is what I propose: a box a week. I will sort and discard a box a week. Some things will get posted on EBay with the proceeds going to my new MacBook fund. Some of it might get posted here and if you want it, I'll send it to you. Even some of those elephants might go. Who knows?

More than anything this week I am thankful for the safety of my family and friends. Happy Thankful Friday.


Cindy Maddera


I've been staring at this screen for a while now and it seems that I have nothing to say, that I'm thankful for nothing this week. That can't be right. I always find something to be thankful for. And I am thankful for all usual things in my life as always. It just seems that I need to pull a little deeper this week. I have a secret. Thankful Friday entries get written up on Thursdays while we wait on our laundry to wash and dry. Chris sits across from me with his laptop or notebook and we both write stuff and occasionally talk about our day. This particular evening, Chris worked on a list of job possibilities for himself. I don't think he's ever had a really clear idea of what he wanted to do in life. So, I am thankful he has this time to consider his possibilities and to maybe start letting himself believe in himself. It's taken a long time for me to realize that it doesn't matter how much I tell him that I believe in him, if he doesn't believe it himself. Also, I'm thankful that I never had his struggle, that I've always known what I wanted to do and that I have family that always backed me up on this.

I am thankful everyday for Chris. Happy Thankful Friday!


Cindy Maddera

You might notice some changes around here. Please bear with us while Chris (let's be honest here) makes some updates. He's been telling me for years that he's going to re-furbish this blog, and every time he mentions it I just nod my head while my eyes glaze over. If it were left up to me, these entries would be scanned in thingamajigs handwritten on Big Chief paper with squigglies in the margins. I am lucky and very thankful I have someone in my life with some computer skills. What else am I thankful for this week? We've started eating things from the garden, mostly kale, but still we are thankful for the bounty. There's something about planning meals around the garden that makes me a little bit more creative in the kitchen. I've had a very good culinary week with easy, fresh meals, from enchiladas to quiche to pasta. And a new issue of VegTimes showed up on the iPad this week that has been inspiration for next week's meals. 

As always, I am thankful for family and friends, new and old. I am thankful for the rain that seems to mix with the sunshine here. And I am thankful for the new little table we bought that has a tiled elephant top. So say we all.

And thank you to The Force. 


Cindy Maddera

Just like any one else, I could complain about my mother, being...well (roll eyes) a mother. But really, I'm very fortunate that I never had that teenage angst with my mom. People in our community used to joke that my parents had three only children and that by the time they got to me, they were just too tired to parent. There may be some truth to that, but I choose to believe that by the time they got to me they just had a better idea of what they were doing. My mom may not have agreed with all my schemes, but she supported each and every one and was/is present to help out in any way that I may need help. She never told me that I couldn't be anything or do anything. She never told me that I wasn't enough for something. Granted, I tended to tell my parents what I was going to do (as opposed to the other way around), but she never disagreed. Usually she just said "OK".

You know that episode of the Simpsons where Lisa is really sad and Marge tells her to just pretend to be happy, but then comes rushing back to her to tell her "no", be what you want to be. My mom has always let me be who I want to be. So, today on this Thankful Friday, I am thankful for my mom. I am thankful that we did not move too far away for an easy visit. I am thankful that she, my sister and niece will be able to come up for some fun this weekend.

I am thankful that I am only a mother to our dog. Happy Weekend everyone!


Cindy Maddera

I've let a few chores slide this week. Bathroom didn't get cleaned, house went un-vacuumed, plants are thirsty. Well, not the outside ones. We have been blessed with a decent amount of rain ( I'm sorry Oklahoma). We really like not having to water the garden because there's no back faucet and we are lazy. But even with all the rain, I am thankful for the weather clearing up a bit just in time for our outside concert Wednesday night (more on that later). Today, I am thankful that it is Friday and that maybe I can get caught up on a few things this weekend. I desperately need to clear some computer space and update the iPod and iPad. We have become those neighbors with the overgrown front yard and even though we bought a lawnmower last weekend, we have yet to even start it up. I have Easter eggs to dye and then egg salad to make. I have things to do, shops to visit, food to eat, pictures to take, and lazy couch time to be had.

I am thankful for the lull. I am thankful for my friends and family.

Have a great weekend.


Cindy Maddera

Chris and I continue to say grace over our evening meals. We've added "and thank you to the Force", stolen from a commenter. Last night Chris said that was his favorite part. Today was one of those days that really solidified this decision to move to this new job. I realize just how lucky and fortunate I am to have this opportunity. I am thankful for all of this and more. Life is progressing here. We have a home. We a bunch of new things to experience, but we also continue with some of our old usual practices. One of our new things is instigating a chore a night during the week. Tonight is laundry, but we've tagged it with something old, Pizza Night. We think this works out well. It leaves to be absolutely free with our weekends. So the weekends are truly our own and I for one am really thankful for this.

This week, I am also thankful for the weather. I've been able to ride V to work a number of times. We have things popping up in the makeshift garden we planted; lots of things. The trees are breaking out in pinks, whites, and purples and the tulips, oh the tulips. These had to have been the true inspiration for all those colors we tend to paint eggs this time of year.

I am thankful for all the love and support from our friends and family and include you in our daily grace every time. Happy Thankful Friday.


Cindy Maddera

I think the weather is finally going to come around and play nice. I type that while it's drizzling outside, but I've seen the forecast for the upcoming days. I am thankful for just the hope of good weather. This will be the first weekend since we've moved that will not be a vacation-like weekend. This weekend is serious business. We are finally going to go get my scooter. Oh, and a few other things that we had to leave behind. But the scooter is the most important thing. I am thankful for so many little things this week. But most of all I'm really thankful for the time to bring home V. I miss her. I need her! I feel like I've neglected her and that's just wrong. I see people on scooters all the time here. Scooters and Smart Cars. Those things are everywhere. And Irish flags.

I'm thankful for discount wash-days on Thursdays. I am thankful for the radio station, Alice, because we got in the car and Indigo Girls was playing. Indigo Girls! On the radio! I am thankful that I finally feel like I'm actually contributing at my new job. I am thankful for my brother who just had a birthday, and I'm thankful that I will have a chance to see him even if it's for a very short visit.

I am thankful for you....and The Force (that bit's for you, Kristina).