Cindy Maddera
We've managed to make a friend! Except she's moving to California. In fact, she's on her way right now. We will miss her, but we will visit. I am thankful that we have friends in other states that don't mind if we sleep on their couches. This friend is another one of those we can add to that list. Plus she introduced us to a group of fabulous gay men. Some of whom are really involved in the KC AIDS Walk. I see me steppin' up my charity game. Speaking of road trips. My dad called me yesterday morning to tell me he was in town and currently lost some where near where I worked. I somehow managed to get him to my building after some really tense moments and we had a late breakfast. I am thankful for that short bit of time I had with my dad. It felt good to show him around and hear him marvel at my new fancy work digs. He also brought me the new yellow shirt I had purchased and then left behind from my last visit. Yellow shirt!
I am thankful for the cold front that is supposed to be heading this way. I am thankful for the opportunity to finally get out and clean up the back yard. I am thankful for Chris for many reasons and I am thankful for you. Happy Weekend and Thankful Friday!