Cindy Maddera
You might notice some changes around here. Please bear with us while Chris (let's be honest here) makes some updates. He's been telling me for years that he's going to re-furbish this blog, and every time he mentions it I just nod my head while my eyes glaze over. If it were left up to me, these entries would be scanned in thingamajigs handwritten on Big Chief paper with squigglies in the margins. I am lucky and very thankful I have someone in my life with some computer skills. What else am I thankful for this week? We've started eating things from the garden, mostly kale, but still we are thankful for the bounty. There's something about planning meals around the garden that makes me a little bit more creative in the kitchen. I've had a very good culinary week with easy, fresh meals, from enchiladas to quiche to pasta. And a new issue of VegTimes showed up on the iPad this week that has been inspiration for next week's meals.
As always, I am thankful for family and friends, new and old. I am thankful for the rain that seems to mix with the sunshine here. And I am thankful for the new little table we bought that has a tiled elephant top. So say we all.
And thank you to The Force.