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Filtering by Tag: LoveTrumpsHate


Cindy Maddera

See this Instagram photo by @elephant_soap * 3 likes

Many of us are still a little in shock that a man who's campaign platform revolved around spewing hateful racist remarks and degrading women, not to mention preaching for an exclusive society where we register Muslims and take away civil rights is now our president elect. The American people have spoken and they say that the best person to run the country happens to be a bigot who goes to court in January for rape charges. So be it. 

"Every horrible thing Donald Trump ever said about women or Muslims or people of color has now been validated.
Every profanity-laced press conference and every call to bully protestors and every ignorant diatribe has been endorsed.
Every piece of anti-LGBTQ legislation Mike Pence has championed has been signed-off on.
Half of our country has declared these things acceptable, noble, American."

Last night, when I had finally gotten a grip and stepped out of the foggy haze of this election hangover, I started thinking about what could be the best possible strategy for convincing half of the country who thinks all of the above are acceptable that it actually is not acceptable. I have been contemplating on the best way to bridge that great divide and to stop thinking that it is us versus them. The Democratic party has always been known as the party of inclusion. Us versus them doesn't sound all that inclusive. 

inclusion: that action or state of including or of being included within a group or structure. 

I don't know how many times I've written entries here about treating people the way you would want to be treated. I feel for sure that it has been enough times that my handful of followers are like "OKAY! We get it! Be nice to each other! Gah!" But I have a feeling that those people who find it acceptable to have a president who says horrible things just do not realize how hurtful and unChristian those words are. They need to be reminded that they would not want to be treated or spoken about in that way. Because while I'm thinking it is us versus them, they are thinking it is them versus us. Today I am thankful for the clarity of knowledge that we are not them or us, but we are one. Treat them as you would want to be treated. The challenge is how to teach loving kindness and inclusion without being condescending or belittling. 

I'm up for that challenge.

I am thankful for moments of comfort. I am thankful for moments of clarity. I am thankful for moments of joy in the midst of despair. I am thankful for constructive conversations. I am thankful for puppies on microscopes. I am thankful for you. 

Find gratitude in this Thankful Friday. 


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