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Cindy Maddera


I am one of those people that tends to be deeply affected by music. I associate specific songs to specific moments of time and specific memories. It makes sense to me that movies have soundtracks because real life has a soundtrack. At least my real life does. In the last few years, Edward Sharpe and Magnetic Zeros have played a large part in that soundtrack. Ever since Amy introduced them to me and Chris, I have been hooked. "Home" became our theme song. I think it resonated so deeply with us because Chris and I never really had much of a home of our own. We had always been at the mercy of landlords and in-laws. At the time of that song, home truly was where ever I was with Chris. Even though I've moved on, that song still gets to me except now it stings a bit to hear it. Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros released a new album this year and this one has added so many new songs to my life soundtrack. "Better Days" and "Life is Hard" fit perfectly into this specific moment. We've seen better days. We dream of better days and we SEE better days. "That's some cliche shit, make me wanna cry." Yes. Yes it is and life is hard so we should celebrate. I know when they sat down and wrote these songs they were not writing about me, but that's the thing about music and lyrics. We can all experience it personally, hearing the words we needed to hear at the time we are most receptive to really hearing them. And even though the song may say something different to you than it does to me, it still connects us by it's ability to evoke any sort of meaning.

I am thankful for the music that has punctuated the meaningful and even mundane moments of my life. I am thankful for those songs that have my memories wrapped inside of them. I am thankful for creative artists that know how to twist the notes and tunes around my heart. And if that ain't some cliche shit, I don't know what is. But I'm thankful. I'm truly thankful for the connection music makes not just individually, but communally. Music has given us an excuse to gather together this weekend. How could I not be thankful for that?

Here's to an amazing weekend and a beautiful Thankful Friday!