The mood is shifting. It could be because it's the end of the week. It might have something to do with carving my pumpkin (all by myself!). It could also be because we have friends visiting us this weekend. Or it could be just because it was time to lift up out of the funk. Whatever the reason, I am thankful. This week I've done little things to boost my mood. I had enough fresh flowers to put some on the kitchen table, the dresser in the bedroom and even a small milk bottle full in the bathroom. I've worn different earrings every day this week. One day I even wore the fancy pearls Chris bought me for Christmas the first year we were married. I always save those for special occasions. This is silly; every day is a special occasion. I bought a new red lipstick and refrained from picking off my lips for one whole day. All of these little things add up and by the end of the week, has become a big pile of happy. I am thankful for all of these things.
And with any luck, this time next week I can be thankful for finally closing on our home (I know!). There is so much in my life to be thankful for, but sometimes it's important to be thankful for the presence of mind to realize this.
I am thankful for all of you. Happy Thankful Friday!