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Kansas City MO 64131




Cindy Maddera


It is the season of the pumpkin and tonight I will sit down and carve the pumpkin I picked out of the pumpkin bin at the grocery store (it was $2.99!). When I was a kid, I would choose my pumpkin (very carefully) from a veggie stand we would always stop at on our way home from War Eagle's big Fall art festival. I would painstakingly draw my design on my pumpkin and then diligently supervise as my dad would carve out my design. It was our thing. To this day, I very carefully choose a pumpkin and painstakingly draw on my design. The difference now is that I am the one to do the carving (much to Chris's dismay). But every year, I think of the time Dad and I would spend together on that pumpkin. This is why I still stick with the tradition of carving a pumpkin every year. It reminds me of the good times that I had with my dad when I was little. My costume for Halloween may have not always been well planned and often it turned out to be a last minute "I'm a princess!" costume. But my pumpkin was always perfect.

One day I will no longer be able to wield a knife. Maybe that's the day I stop the tradition. But I doubt it.

Happy Love Thursday!


218/365 Pumpkin Carved!