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Filtering by Category: Things that make me happy


Cindy Maddera

    Corncakes (cornbread mix cooked like a pancake) Homemade Indian food This TED by Ze Frank. Seriously, if the OK song doesn't make you cry, you're heartless. Weeks the fly by with ease Seeing new smiling faces in my yoga classes That little kid in his traditional Indian garb and his glasses Finally going to the Greek Festival Fresh cotton candy hot off the spinner My new socks Talking with Quinn before the start of the parade Ghoul's Gone Wild Parade! Wayne Coyne Whores and Smores The laughing done around a campfire with good people Those GIANT marshmallows Ingrid's potatoes Planning our staycation next week

    Figured that there was no explanation necessary. Be sure to watch that TED talk; you won't regret it.


Cindy Maddera

Yesterday, I walked into the lab and was instantly encased in dark funky cloud of negativity. I was having a really hard time and I wasn't very forgiving towards anyone who would dare cross me yesterday. It wasn't pretty. As I was waiting for my students in my Monday night yoga class to finish their savasana, I started working on the Happy List for the last week. Something really odd happened while I sat there trying to remember things to put on the list. My mood began to lift. The day started to not seem so bad and suddenly, I wasn't as tired.

    Not having to worry about making dinner Seeing how yoga brings out Chris's inner slapstick comedian The little kids that came to my yoga class Buying a gift for a two-year-old online, having it wrapped and shipped directly to the kid. My students' in savasana My iPad ( heard me) Liam's dinosaur roar All the veggies we purchase for the week from the Farmer's Market (good haul) The pumpkin I'm going to carve That one tree at the Capitol that has turned completely turned orange No Monday lab meeting (got postponed to Tuesday) The promise of rain

    I hope this helps your mood lift as well. Happy Tuesday!


Cindy Maddera

I'm busy at work. Like really busy. But obviously not too busy to post the list.

    Satish's little prank on John Getting my work done early on a Friday Riding the scooter Hearing Metric on the radio This weather Fall Harvest at the Farmer's Market Getting time with my sister Crackies for lab meeting Making a pumpkin pie from scratch (pumpkin and everything) Black-eyed peas, okra and tomatoes with cornbread Finding beans on my bean plants Early morning fog The ideas Chris and I come up with for food to sell out of a food cart.


Cindy Maddera

Part of this list was written while hanging out with the Jen's at their new favorite coffee spot in Norman. It was a very nice place for list making.

    The naked lady sketch in Jen's sketch book Visiting a new museum (in Oklahoma of all places) The Killer Tofu Roll at Pachinko Parlor Morrissey Leaving work early on a Friday Planning Jen's art opening The tea at the Gray Owl Buying some books! Finding the things from IKEA on TV show sets The Georgia O'Keefe at the museum Seeing a never before seen Van Gogh Clean yoga mats Lazy Sundays Chris's mom making veggie fried rice My scarf

Enjoy the day!


Cindy Maddera

Well, another week and I'm still fighting this cold/sinus infection. I feel better, but sound horrible. That usually means things are getting better. Even though it took me forever to get anything done last week, I still managed to keep up with my happy list.

    The Roku box on a sick day Getting a free vacuum cleaner Crossing off a Life List Feeding the birds Trying a new restaurant, one with a special vegetarian section on the menu Hanging out with friends at Coffee Slinger's Generous friends (apparently my donation page is good until December) Cleaning up my desk at home. Eating bell peppers from the garden Getting the laundry done (did no think this would happen this weekend) Oatmeal at the Red Cup Finally getting the new stickers put on the scooter Riding the scooter after being sick for a week

I think I'm good. Enjoy the week.