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Filtering by Category: Thankful Friday


Cindy Maddera

Do you hear that? No? That's the sound of me breathing through both sides of my nose. Finally, after two weeks this crud seems to be breaking up and moving on out. The cough still lingers, but that seems to be the thing with coughs. I am thankful to finally be feeling well. Stars have collided in the past few months and I have not been able to get down to Norman for a yoga class. I am thankful that Saturday is free and open and that I feel well enough to attend a class. Since the weekend seems to be so obligation free, I am also thinking about making cheese. We'll see. I've been sending out my CV to various places over the last few weeks. There's no news yet on anything other then one email of "thanks but no thanks, you live to far away to consider". I remember the last time I went through the job search exercise. I would send my CV out and hear nothing. NOTHING. This time around, I've received some sort of notice stating that they are currently reviewing all the applications and they'll let you know one way or the other about the job. I am so thankful for these emails. It takes a lot of the guess work out of the process and they've been helpful in letting me know when and if I should apply elsewhere.

What else? I am thankful to be here, right now, in this moment. Have a wonderful weekend!


Cindy Maddera

I had written this whole paragraph of blah and then I deleted it all. It was about how the week dragged on and blerg and blah and more blah and I just felt myself slipping into old cranky habits. So I deleted it. All things should be this easy. Bad day? Delete it. Shoes rubbed a blister and you put a whole in your favorite pair of pants? Delete it. I am thankful that each day I get is a chance to delete the previous crappy day. I am thankful for the usual stuff today. It's Friday. I have a great husband, an awesome dog (I just taught him the down command and falls down like he's been shot-Love it!), and a great supportive family. I am thankful for the donations I've already received for the AIDS walk (you can still give). You guys are awesome! This weekend we plan on surrounding ourselves with great supportive friends. All is good. I did not watch TV with my cereal this morning and even NPR got moved over to the local oldies station and John Lennon was singing this. I don't think it could have been any more appropriate.

Have a great weekend.