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Filtering by Tag: crafty


Cindy Maddera

See this Instagram photo by @elephant_soap * 3 likes

My mom was here over the weekend and we spent Friday night with her watching me tie up ghost shaped pumpkins to look like they are floating inside a lantern. I had painted them with three layers of glow in the dark paint, but I don't think they ever get enough sunlight to activate them. They only kind of glow in the dark, but they look real cute floating around inside the lantern with their googly eyes. I kind of love them. Then on Saturday, Mom and I got up early and went to the antique market that happens in the West Bottoms every First Friday weekend. I've had my eye out for a new desk but I didn't want to spend more than $50 on it and I had specific criteria. 

We found my desk in the second building we made it to. Mom bought a wooden pumpkin and basket shaped like a pumpkin. She was really into a pumpkin theme. We made it through the third building when Michael showed up. Then we ate lunch from one of the food trucks before heading into our fourth building. Somewhere in the middle of that building, Michael said to me "this place is too expensive. Can we go now?" I'd spent all my money already so I agreed. We collected Mom from one booth where she'd been trapped for the last half hour by the owner who thought Mom was a good listener and high tailed it over to the building that had my desk. Some other things happened but they were all good little boring things. We wore Mom out and I said goodbye to her early the next morning at Heirloom before I headed off to gather this week's groceries. 

Then Michael and I headed out to the suburbs to get our hairs cut. We passed a giant nursery on the way home and stopped so I could buy some pumpkins to be turned into Mummies and spiders and maybe some more vampires (because I found vampire teeth while cleaning out the old desk). Then Michael left me to my own devices for a minute so he could go find a drinking fountain. This was long enough for me to buy a small pot of mums and a new houseplant that is said to be nearly impossible to kill. Challenge accepted. Also, I had made it over to the complete opposite side of the nursery when Michael poked his head up to look for me. He found me and then said "How did you get all the way over here?!?" I just shrugged and pointed at the new plants I was going to kill. Then we went home so I could make these guys.

See this Instagram photo by @elephant_soap * 8 likes

I've named the Mummies Laurel and Hardy because obviously. The spiders don't have names yet. I'm waiting to make vampires because I don't want them to get yucky before Halloween and there's some carving involved with those guys. Last year, our postal person told us we had the best pumpkins on the street. Of course, I had to step up my game for this year and I've already started thinking about next year. The Cabbage and I still need to pick out carving pumpkins, but we've got some time. This is a totally rambly post of non importance. I just thought we all needed something to make us smile. Look at those spiders! They're so cute!