The first time Michael and walked into Tee Rex while visiting Eureka Springs a year or so ago, my heart flipped over in my chest. This shop wasn’t there during my and Chris’s many many visits to Eureka Springs. I’m sure if it had been, we would have packed our things and moved right on in. It is a store that Chris would have never left without purchasing twenty things. Tee Rex sells nostalgia. I have to admit that when I walk into that store, I want to buy more than twenty things. From original Strawberry Shortcake to The Get A Long Gang to Popples, I see my childhood/tween years flash before my eyes and I have serious wants. I almost bought an original Lemon Meringue doll during this last visit, but I refrained.
There are many a display case in Tee-Rex devoted to vintage Star Wars toys and the owner, James Brandt, is a graphic designer who does Star Wars themed art. Michael and I both own his Force Awakens t-shirt that features Star Wars characters in various stages of wakening up in the morning. I’ve already spilled tortellini soup on mine. The last time Michael and I were in the shop there was one particular print that caught my eye. It is a print called Cy-Fi Cycling Club and consists of wonderful renditions of Star Wars characters on various kinds of bicycles. Each bicycle is themed for different ships and crafts. Chewie and Han are riding a slightly janky tandem bike with Millennium Falcon accents. The Ewoks are on Big Wheels because of course. Michael walked up to my side as I stood gazing at this print and I said “I want this. I am going to buy this.” Michael agreed and said that it is nice to have art on the wall from artists other than yourself. So now that print is hanging on the wall above my desk. I sit or stand there and study it and I always find something new to see.
Michael is no where close to the Star Wars fan that Chris was, nor do I expect him to be. I think some of Michael’s appreciation for the series comes from my influence on him. That’s fine. I am quick to admit that I am a Star Wars fan girl mostly due to the influence of Chris. Michael is into bicycles. When we met, he was riding his bike everywhere. He knows all the ends and out about bicycles and is in charge of the household’s bicycle maintenance. Chris used to go to Staples just to look at pens in the pen isle. Well, Michael goes to bike shops just to look at bicycle stuff. So you see, the Cy-Fi Cycling Club is a nice combination of my past and present. Chris and Michael. Something I am always battling with is how the past might be judging my present. When I look at this print, I forget about any kind of judgement. I forget about feeling guilty.
This is why you put art on your walls from artists other than yourself.