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Cindy Maddera


This time last year I was visiting Talaura in New York City. We were crossing off a Life List item and sprinkling ashes at the Statue of Liberty. On the evening of the 4th, we sat on a roof top in Brooklyn with a bottle of wine and watched fireworks. And as I type those sentences I realize just how much I miss Talaura and New York. I miss the best falafel sandwich. I miss the subway rides. I miss seeing all those little kids zipping around on Razor scooters. I miss the sites, smells and sounds of that glorious city. When I'm there, I always think "I could do this. I could totally live here." Then I remember how much I paid for my house versus how much Talaura paid for her apartment and I'm good. But it's more than the city that I miss. I miss seeing that place through Talaura's eyes. One of my favorite things is that look she gets on her face when she's trying to spot a rat in the subway or the two of us trying to keep straight faces while being accosted by a street person. And I had no idea this is the direction that this entry would take, but there it is. My first trip to NY for BlogHer '10 set in motion the beginning of a love affair that will never grow old. That first trip, I fell head over heels. Every time I eat gazpacho I think of Talaura and I eating gazpacho while sitting on the front stoop of that deli. The other day I saw a guy riding his bike down the street. He was wearing a garbage bag and tinfoil hat (I was driving and couldn't get a picture) and I was reminded of New York. Sometimes when I'm sitting in my backyard, if I close my eyes, I can imagine that I'm sitting in Central Park. All of my memories from both of those visits are good and I can see them so clearly in my head. I wish I would have planned better so that I could have been there this year to help Talaura move into her new home. Instead, I will start scheming for next year because NY has turned out to be one of those places that I need to visit as often as possible.

Bagel Boyfriend

My Fourth of July plans are pretty simple this year. I'll make gazpacho. I'll head over to the rooftop of our parking garage and set up the camera and try to get some pictures of the various fireworks displays that are planned around the city. Then, I'll raise a glass of wine and toast in the direction of NY and Talaura.

Happy Love Thursday!