I love reading the daily gratitude status updates some of my friends are doing on Facebook for the month of November. It reminds me why I do this entry every week. I started Thankful Fridays to remind myself to be Thankful for things other than it's Friday. I started it to remind myself that not all good things happen only on weekends. It's nice to have that reminder. I feel like I've started to fall easily into that living for the weekend trap lately. I'm forgetting to look for the good things in the week. Good things like breakfast with a friend or trying out a new recipe (even though it stunk up my house to no end) or meeting new people. These are all things that I am thankful for. But I have to be honest with you and say that I am also more than a tiny bit thankful for this weekend. This is the last weekend before the rush of the Holiday season hits. Pretty soon our weekends are going to be filled with family and friends and social obligations. Although these are great, they can also be exhausting. I'm thankful for this weekend where I can take some time and plan out some things. Maybe figure out a way to make the Holiday season a little easier for myself this year. This is the weekend to build up my energy store so I have plenty tucked away for those moments where I just can't seem to find the gurmph. I am so grateful for this.
So much for all of us to be thankful for I think. Jen Tucker celebrated a birthday. I am thankful for the contributions she brings to my little world and I hope her day was grand. I am thankful for the meals I've eaten this week. I am thankful for the daily walks with the dog and my time on my yoga mat. And I am thankful for you. Here's to a weekend to charge those batteries and a very Thankful Friday!