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Cindy Maddera


Well, I've done it. I've cleaned out the office. I should probably put quotes around the clean out part. Really, I just moved stuff to the basement. But I can say that for every haul down to the basement there was an equal haul out of the basement. I did some rearranging of furniture which opened up some shelving. I was finally able to unpack a few elephants. I was surprised at how happy it made me to see my old Steiff's. They'd packed away for years now because there was no room for them when we moved in with Chris's mom. Eventually I will get curio cabinet and then all of the elephants will make it out of storage. Yes, I am crazy, but not so crazy that I can't pair down a bit. I managed to fill two boxes with things for a garage sale, something else that needs to happen soon. I'm happy with the progress I made this weekend though. As a result, I have a decent yoga and meditation space that can easily double as a guest room. Two of my favorite framed pieces have been hung up on the wall. It's starting to look like someone really lives here. Next step is to print out and frame some of my own photographs. This year, I focus on the living room. Next year will be the bedroom and the next and the next. We'll see.

The rest of the weekend was lazy and filled with boring British mini series on Netflix. I ended it all with an Easter egg hunt at my friend Terry's. It was the bow on top of the weekend. Good people, good food, good fun. I took plenty of pictures which you'll see eventually. I'm sure they'll make an appearance in a Love Thursday entry. But for now, I remain on the couch. I stayed home from work today with goopy allergy eyes and a sinus headache. I'm making the most of it with more British TV and Benadryl.