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Kansas City MO 64131




Cindy Maddera


We avoided the TV today and went road tripping instead. Chris and I headed out to Truck Stop MO (the one from the TV). We met my brother and sister-in-law there for early lunch. And I toyed with the idea of joining the circus.

I joined the circus

Then we headed down the road to Les Bourgeois Vineyards and Winery. We tasted some of their wine, bought a bottle and then headed over to the vineyard to see the grapes.


But we also discovered a beautiful view and a bistro where we all agreed we'd meet for lunch the next time.

The Gang

This is where we parted ways and Chris and I took a side trip out into the country to figure out what Arrow Rock is all about. It's an old town on the Louis and Clarke Trail. We took a break in this really nice shaded area.

173/365 Arrow Rock

Then we discovered the recipe for Pickle Brine.

Pickle Brine

Then we drove home, took a nap, and made quesadillas. The End.