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Cindy Maddera

Chris and I had an early lunch at CoolGreens on Saturday before heading up to Tulsa for my niece's birthday. The food was so yummy and fresh, it needed to be photographed.

I had the Tree Hugger salad, but made up as a wrap. It was exquisite which is something we say now after seeing the Fantastic Mr. Fox.

I forget what Chris got, something with chicken. He also said that his food was exquisite.

This was the center piece on our table. We did not it this.

This was their vegetarian tortilla soup. We had to wait an extra ten minutes for it, but it was worth every minute. It too was exquisite.

On Sunday I dragged Chris to 105degrees to try their new Pomegranate Red Velvet Cake. Unfortunately, that cake is on the new menu that doesn't come out until the 21st. We had to painstakingly choose something else.

I forget what this is called, but it's something nougat. The chocolate is out of this world exquisite.

I have also forgotten the name of this one, but it was something parfait and it involved Pineapple ice cream. Need I say it? Exquisite.