Cindy Maddera
I know this picture seems a bit dreary for a Love Thursday entry. But my entry this week isn't so much about the picture as it is about actually taking the picture.
Davenport Chapel, built in 1939 by the W.P.A, sits in the middle of a cemetery at the top of hill over looking Route 66. Often Chris and I will take Route 66 to meet my parents or brother and sister-in-law in Stroud for dinner. It's a good half way point for us. Every time we pass the cemetery I think of stopping and taking a picture, but we never do.
Saturday, I took the time stop. I also knew that I wanted the pictures to be in black-and-white but I had never used this setting on my camera. Taking the time to stop forced me to learn something new about the menu and features of my camera (I think I'll start calling her Bessy). It also reminded me to slow down and to enjoy the brief respite and peace of the day, something I've managed to loose track of over the past couple of weeks.
Happy Love Thursday!