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Cindy Maddera

This weekend was the third session in my yoga teacher training. The weekend didn’t get hard until I woke up this morning. Now I have muscles that are reminding me just how difficult it was. I don’t really have much to say about this session. I did find out that I have exceptionally mobile shoulders. It’s nice to be above average in some things. We also have lots of homework. One of our assignments is to wear this bracelet for 24hrs. During the 24hrs we can not complain, gossip, or criticize. If we do, we have to switch the bracelet over to the opposite wrist and start over (at time zero). Something like 98% of your thoughts are not your own. You can think it, but as a long as you don’t say it you’re good. Luckily, Chris voices all the things I’m thinking for me. So does that mean my thoughts are Chris’s or Chris’s thoughts are mine?

Update: I made it through my 24hrs. Whew! That was a challenge. The assignment was no complaining for 24hrs, but I chose to add in all three (complaining, gossip, and criticize). So basically I was a mute. I’ve decided to continue wearing the bracelet, but just for the no complaining part. Maybe I’ll add in no criticizing later (when I’ve tackled the no complaining).