Cindy Maddera
Saturday was Organization-I-Work-For day at Frontier City and since tickets were only $5, I figured this would be the only way I’d get my Frontier City stamp for my passport. That place can be pretty pricey. We figured out that a normal day out there would cost two people about $56 just to get in. That’s not including food and drink (bottle of water = $3), and parking is $6. The Organization-I-Work-For day is a bargain. Frontier City isn’t very high on my amusement park list. Most of the rides are kind of like the carni-rides at the fair. The last time Chris and I went we only rode two rides: the roller coaster and the tilt-a-whirl. Chris tilted and whirled our car so well, it made him sick and he couldn’t ride anything for the rest of the day. This time was much better. My sister, her husband, and my niece Amanda came down to spend the day with us. Amanda was my tilt-a-whirl partner and she did a marvelous job helping me tilt and whirl our car. Plus, she didn’t get sick.
The first ride Amanda wanted to ride was the Renegade Rapids, so of course we obliged. I was wearing dark denim capris that go so wet they never dried out. Eight hours and the butt of my pants were still soggy. At least I stayed cool all day. Chris and I were really surprised with how long we actually stayed at the park. We rode a lot of rides and had a really good time. I have great footage of my brother-in-law Daniel screaming like a girl and a new stamp on my frontier passport.
Two down; seven to go. That party for ten on a canal boat is gonna be mine.
Daniel and JaNell at Frontier City (June 2007) from elephantsoap on Vimeo
Now, that's funny.