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Cindy Maddera

Apparently thirtieth birthdays are to be celebrated by gluttony for three straight days, or maybe it was four. I have a hard time remembering because of the food coma I've been slipping in and out of these last few days. It started Thursday evening with Indian food and just went down hill from there. The girls at work took me out for lunch on Friday where I had fried rice, fried egg-roll, sesame chicken (battered with crack) that was also fried. That night I ate an entire chili-cheese hamburger by myself and slice of carrot cake from La Baguette's. Saturday I met my family for brunch at VZDs before heading off to the Oklahoma History Museum (pictures coming soon). Chris and I finished the day with dinner at the Olive Garden.

And then today, I broke my "thou shall not eat buffets when starving" rule and stuffed myself silly at the Chinese buffet. I'll probably have a piece of cake for dinner tonight.

I think I'll go on a fast this week.

Thanks to all for the Happy Birthday wishes!