My March (and first) Ipsy bag arrived last Friday and I literally squealed with delight. I should add in a disclaimer here first. I am getting nothing for this post. No sponsoring happening here. OK. I had been thinking of signing up for some kind of beauty box service for some time. That subliminal flash of ads for various ones in the corners of our favorite websites was starting to work and I began to think how nice it would be to receive fancy products to try on every month. When I talked to Talaura about it she said that she'd been with Ipsy for over a year now and was so pleased with it, she bought a subscription for her sister as well. So I signed up to receive an Ipsy glam bag every month. Most of you know that I don't wear a lot of makeup. There's not much call for dressing up in my line of work. It's inevitable that the day I wear a nice (kind of short) skirt and heals to work, I end up having to climb around under a microscope. But sometimes it's nice to play dress up and sometimes doing just one little thing just makes you feel a little less blerg. Recently I started using an eyelash curler before applying my mascara and holy goats people! That one little simple thing took my eyelashes from nice to WOWZA and I've just decided to keep that as part my morning regimen. But that's as girly as I tend to get. I noticed that every time I'd get an email about how Ipsy was preparing my March glam bag, I got a little giddy. It's like that feeling the night before Christmas or your birthday.
When the pink envelope containing my glam bag arrived, the first thing I did was try out the bareMinerals Marvelous Moxie Lipstick. The thing I don't like about regular lipstick is that you always have to reapply. This is true for this lipstick as well, but it's so soft and smooth you don't mind reapplying. I also noticed that my lips remained hydrated and soft feeling even after the lipstick had worn off. Bonus part is that it smells nice. The next thing I tried out was the Pixie Flawless Beauty Primer. I was eager to try this out because I'm almost out of the stuff I am currently using. I was not all that happy with my current foundation because my face always felt greasy by the end of the day. This stuff from Pixie is much lighter and less noticeable as a base on my face. At the end of the day I don't feel the need to squeegee my face either. I will probably buy this as my replacement foundation.
Now for the eye shadow and eyeliner. First of all, I do not own one stick of eyeliner and I was pretty thrilled to find that one had been included in my bag. It's like I'm the Pinocchio of girls and having eyeliner finally made me a real girl. But having eyeliner and using eyeliner are two completely different things. The eyeliner is Chella's Indigo Blue. The thing I really liked about it is that it has a really fine tip, which made it a lot easier for me to apply. But even after I applied the thinnest of lines on my eyelid, I still felt like it looked like I had too much eyeliner. I know this has a lot to do with the fact that I'm just not used to seeing myself with eyeliner. I do like the eye shadow from NYX. Those are all colors that I would I have picked out for myself and they don't make my eyes itch.
Looking at my selfie after using all of the stuff in my glam bag, I see that the eyeliner is not all that bad. It's something I'd probably use for special occasions, but not an every day thing for me. All and all, though, I'm pretty pleased with my first glam bag. It's something fun and it's nice that they choose a different artist every month to design the little bag your stuff comes in. I can't wait for next month!