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The other day my weather widget on my desktop said it was snowing. Outside, it was a bright sunshiny day. Later in the day, the weather widget declared that it was a bright sunshiny day except in reality, clouds had rolled in and blotted out the sky. Today the highs are in the sixties. Tomorrow's high will be twenty if we're lucky. The weather has lost its ever lovin' mind and it's messing with all of us. I'm blaming the weather on my lack of follow through on good intentions. I have paved the roads galore with good intentions for the New Year. Yes, I have been sick and yes, I know that makes getting on a treadmill or a yoga mat darn near impossible. But I've never been one for excuses. Remember that creativity journal? I've done one entry and it turned into a depressing tale of the last time I saw dad at the flea market. Those days laying on the couch, coughing my head off could have been spent coloring some bright sunshine into my life. But no...I spent that time staring glassy eyed at Game of Thrones (the DVDs had been sitting there to be watched for months).

Friday is the Chinese New Year. I thought about wiping the slate clean and pretending that our New Year didn't happen. I'd just start over with the Chinese, but Talaura pointed out that I would be ending the year on a bad note. Technically that is true. It is really hard to admit failure so early in New Year. I mean January isn't even over yet and here I am waving the white flag of defeat. That is ridiculous. Never give up! Right? This is why I don't make resolutions. I've always felt that resolutions are a good way to self sabotage.

So this week, I'm back to my good intentions. A reminder that I am only human. As we all are. I have heard many of you out there struggling with similar set backs. It seems that 2014 came roaring in to a crashing train wreck of a start for every one. Sit back, drink a cup of tea, and take breath. Start tomorrow off with a new set of good intentions. This week I will get back on that treadmill. I will get my old yoga mat. I will eat less food at supper and eat more Chia seeds. And I will shake my fist at the weather and say "you will not get me!". I will not be pulled into the weather's bi-polar wrath!

Now...where'd that cough syrup get off to...