Wednesday was the official first day of Spring. Thursday it snowed. The weather forecast for this weekend is predicted to be cold with scattered snow/rain showers. Part of me want's to throw a right good fall down on the floor tantrum. The other part of me (the OCD side) knows that this is the perfect time to scrub my house and sort through some things in the basement. I have ants in my bathroom and it's just a matter of time before they figure out that the kitchen has better tasting counter tops. So I will venture out for groceries and cleaning supplies and maybe a trip out to dump off some books at Half Price Books, but the rest of the weekend will be spent dusting, mopping and sorting. I am thankful that I have this weekend to myself even if the weather is not ideal. This is my lull time before the next wave of activities and my chance to re-group. It's Spring and I'm going to Spring Clean. Though I've enjoyed all the activity of the last three weekends, it has wrecked havoc on my usual routine. I think this week it finally caught up with me. I've been sluggish, the yoga mat has been neglected and there has been nothing creatively journaled. I also know that all of this is OK. A few years ago it would have messed me up. I am thankful that I'm learning to bend and give within my adherence to a routine. This has not been an easy lesson for me to learn. Giving myself time to rest and recover is good for my health, but it also makes me appreciate the other things even more. Misti would say "ebb and flow". I am thankful for the ebb and flow.
I am thankful for the time I had with Amanda and Janell. I am thankful for a surprise visit from Dad. I am thankful for warm bowls of potato soup and salads sprinkled with goat cheese. And I am always thankful for you. Here's to a productive weekend and a truly thankful Friday.
*Don't forget! I am raising money for the AIDS Walk KCMO. You can get to my fundraising page at the top of the screen or through the link on the right hand side of the page. Thank you!