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Sunday, I was driving down a street I've driven down about a dozen times since I've moved here when I look over and noticed this little cemetery sitting right in the middle of a parking lot. OK maybe not right in the middle, but pretty darn close. I don't know why I never noticed this before, but there it was, The Linwood Pioneer Cemetery, nestled in a parking lot of a strip mall containing a huge grocery store. I decided to stop and take some pictures.


I am not good at stopping when I want to stop for something. My last day in Atlanta, we were all piled in Chad's jeep coming back from breakfast, when we passed a mural under an overpass. I wanted that picture, but I felt so bad asking if we could turn around. It made my stomach hurt to ask which is stupid because I was with Chad. If anyone understood the reasons for stopping to take pictures or smell roses, it's Chad. But this is a problem I have always struggled with. I have tunnel vision. Sunday my task was to buy fabric and then get home to make stockings. There will be no deviation of said task! And that's why I forced myself to pull over and take a minute or five to tool around the cemetery.

Our Lady

Let's all take a minute or five. Happy love Thursday!