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I had a completely different entry written for today, but I erased it after my trip to the DMV. This was my fourth attempt at getting the tag for the scooter and I finally succeeded. The scooter is now a legal resident of MO and this qualifies it for a Love Thursday entry because I have been unable to legally ride my Vespa for a month now. The first attempt at the DMV failed because I didn't have the title signed and notarized. Also, the title is in dad's name and needed to be transferred. So I mailed the title back to dad, had him sign the front and back (like I was told) and notarize it. On my second trip to the DMV, I was told I needed a release of the lean notice. Dad had to have the company send him one and this took three weeks because it just took them that long and there was a lost in the mail moment. On the third attempt, I found out that we were not supposed to sign the back of the title and that we would need signed affidavits from both parties (me and dad). And finally, on my fourth trip, they decided I'd suffered enough and gave me my tag. There was a tense moment when the girl was looking at the notarization on the title and was beginning to doubt the validity of that notarization. This is when I understood why she was behind bullet proof glass. But then a supervisor said it was all good and there was no tears or bloodshed.

I have missed my scooter desperately. I would see people drive by on their scooters and my heart would sink. I'd think "that could be me. I could be out zipping around on my scooter". I'd drive by the motorcycle parking at work and frown because I wouldn't be parking there. My cute little scooter would not be nestled in among the big motorcycles when I came out at the end of the day. Each attempt at the DMV I'd think that this was it. I'd think "I'm finally getting that tag" and then I'd leave the DMV empty handed and think I am never getting that tag.

Today, I rode my scooter. Happy Love Thursday!