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Or as Chris put it "we be illin". It's true. The dog is the only healthy organism living in this house at the moment. Well, the plants are still thriving. These are things I'm thankful for. I am thankful that I have things in my home at this moment that do not require medicine. Chris's illness still lingers. He has good days and bad days where all he can do is sit and moan. I didn't help things out at all with my sinus infection that started out as just a tickle but ended in an add for Nyquil by the time I made it home Wednesday night. Then I had to convince Chris that I didn't have the same thing he has. We are very pathetic around here. I went into work for two hours yesterday and spent the rest of the day napping and watching the Walking Dead (terrible show). But this is all I can give myself because tomorrow I'm presenting in lab meeting (so not prepared). Also, Christmas cards are sitting on my desk, addressed and stamped. I don't have time to be sick.

So today, I am thankful for cold medicine and decongestants (I'm already feeling better, if not more loopy then usual). I am thankful for glue sticks (for sealing envelopes). I am thankful for sick days where I can rest. I am thankful for Chris's good days. And as always, I am thankful for all of you.

Happy Weekend and Thankful Friday.

So say we all.

And thank you to the Force.