Sunday, Chris and I celebrate our 12th Wedding Anniversary and we're doing that by spending the weekend in Dallas. I am positively giddy with the prospects. We're going to visit the Farmer's Market and maybe the Dallas Museum of Art (it's on the life list to visit 100 new museums--I'll post that list soon). We'll be stopping in at our usual haunts like IKEA, REI, Whole Foods and Costco. We even plan on hunting up a laundry mat. I'm ready to leave now. In fact, I wish we had taken today off to leave now. I am so thankful for the opportunity to get away, just the two of us. I know that we'll just be doing what we usually do on a weekend (grocery shopping and laundry), just in a different city. But we'll be alone. No coming home to kids staying over or kitchen remodel (still not finished). Just me and Chris. 12 years people! We've been riding this tandem bicycle for a whopping 12 years. I am so thankful to have bumped into this person who turned out to be my best friend. My partner in crime. And that's all I'm going to say about that because, well, you know.
I am thankful for the food I will purchase and the Prana pants I'm going to find on that sales rack for $10 (crossing fingers). Hope every one has a great weekend and a thankful Friday!