Cindy Maddera
Pink Martini
Ari Shapiro from NPR
Ira Glass for This American Life
Amy's enchilada casserole
Introducing friends to my food lifestyle
Carving pumpkins (I think I had this on last week's list too)
Sitting at the dinner table with Chris and Zelda and crying over The Biggest Loser
Fixing a camera lens by myself
A weekend where crap gets done
Driving in the car by myself and singing along with the radio
Chris coming to my rescue when I lock my keys in the trunk
Buying broccoli that had a few flowers on it from the Farmer's Market
Having that morning to myself
Creating a Goodwill pile
Unclogged bathroom sinks
Hanging out with the Jens
Falling asleep on the Jens' couch with their dog Leela
Once again leaving a party smelling like campfire smoke
Time change!
Brunch at Ingrid's
Waking up bright and happy and ready to go
The sound of Hooper's tail thumping against the wall as he waits for me to get his new bone out of the package
Watching Hooper wander around the house looking for a place to bury is new bone
Thinking of this beautiful day and smiling while teaching yoga class
Experiment dinner night
Having experiment dinner night turn out ugly but very very tasty
Using my food processor to grate things
Knowing that dinner is all ready cooking in the crockpot for tonight
Wow! That's quite a list I've got going there. And yes, I realize I've blogged every day this week so far. So far.