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It was really hard to come up with something I'm thankful for when I dragged my achy body out of bed this morning. I've been rolling along at full steam ahead and as much as I'd like to say I'm thankful for Friday, I'm not sure that I can today. But then I took some time to drink my first cup of coffee this week (yeah...I said "this week") and peruse the blogs and email and I now have a better attitude for reflecting on being thankful.

This weekend Chris and I head to Tulsa to celebrate (?) my parents 50th Wedding Anniversary. And though I know I will get zero rest and start worrying about the amount of beans to make, I am thankful that we can use this excuse to get the family together in one loud hectic globby mess. Also, my niece-in-law's little boy turns one. I am thankful that we get to share in the joy and celebration of this little one's first year.

Another weekend of big family stuff. My family is just as crazy as everyone else's families, but they are always there. They are always willing to help, to listen, but most of all to love. I am thankful for that.

Happy Thankful Friday! Enjoy your weekend.