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Christmas time means social responsibilities. We've visited with framily (friends who are so close, they are basically family) on Christmas Eve and family on Christmas day. The day after Christmas we got to have dinner with more framily who are visiting from Florida. We stopped by to see Steph (they're also framily) and give her little ones their Christmas presents yesterday. Then we finished the evening with Chromecoming 2008 (we had a blast!). And today? What am I doing today? Absolutely nothing. Seriously. It's the last day of my Christmas vacation and I'm taking full advantage of it. I haven't even brushed my teeth yet and it's 1:30 in the afternoon. I'm in my pajamas (really my pajamas consist of a Police T-shirt and thermal long john bottoms) and my knee-high stocking slippers glued to the couch.

I haven't been entirely unproductive. I've almost finished the laundry (one load left in the dryer as I type). I've managed to miss the first twenty minutes of every movie I've watched today. I've eaten two (fake) corn-dogs, three gingerbread cookies, a fig newton, a bowl of cereal and three cups of coffee. And I think Chris is getting ready to make me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I've written this entry and I may just get out my knitting a finish turning that heal of the sock I'm making. Who knows? Sixteen Candles just started on Encore and I may just sit here and watch it.