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Last night, Chris and I dragged some new friends of ours over to a voter's registration bash in downtown Oklahoma City. The event was put together by Andrew Rice who is running for Oklahoma state senate. His special guests for the party were none other than Wayne Coyne (lead singer of The Flaming Lips) and his wife Michelle (who I think used to be in my yoga class at the Y). They live in District 46 (the district Andrew is running for) and came out to support him. If Chris and I lived in District 46, Andrew is the guy we'd vote for. Ken (one of the friends we took) and I went to the Flaming Lips concert together and we both didn't know what to expect at a voter's registration bash...besides just a bunch of people registering to vote. Would we just get to hear Wayne give a little speech? Would he roam the crowd saying hi to everyone? Would we have to stand in a line to meet him?

The event started at 7:00 PM, which is about what time we got there. We were all standing around for 5 minutes figuring out what we should do when Wayne and his wife walked in and started talking to "some guy". After awhile, Jen (other friend and Ken's wife) was beginning to think that we wouldn't get a chance to meet him, and was getting a little impatient. She leaned over to Ken and said, "Do you want to go talk to Wayne Coyne? That guy's been hoggin' him for twenty minutes". Ken and I busted out laughing. "That guy" was Andrew Rice, the guy Wayne was there to support!

Finally, Chris wiggled his way through to say hello and tell Wayne that I'm totally in love with him. This is where I turned the color of my new pink t-shirt. But I got a hug from Wayne and he stood there and talked to us for a good 5-10 minutes. He's just as cool as he appears to be on TV. We talked about the DVD of the latest tour and the differences between the most recent OKC concert and the Yoshimi concert a few years back. He was so energized and excited about what he was saying. It was just cool.

Meeting Wayne Coyne, originally uploaded by Elephant Soap.